Friday, June 1, 2012

Stand Up in Your Storm

Do you ever feel like things are a little shaky? Well if you are breathing, the answer is yes! Everyone is looking for stability in their lives. Each of us is trying to balance life, career, kids, finances, church, etc. and sometimes we fail miserably.

In the latter part of Acts, we find the Apostle Paul as a prisoner on a ship headed for Rome. Along the way a storm comes. During the storm, Paul’s ship was anything but stable. It was tossed and beaten by the waves and weather. But scripture tells us that in the midst of that storm – in the middle of Paul’s life being thrown upside down – Paul was able to stand.
Acts 27:21 says that Paul “stood forth in the midst of them...”
He was able to do so because he BELIEVED GOD AND BELIEVED GOD’S PROMISES! God had sent an angel to Paul and promised Paul that he would make it to Rome and Paul believed Him. He was promised that all that sailed with him would make it too.

You can stand in the middle of your storms – and find the stability you need in your life – if you’ll just BELIEVE GOD AND HIS PROMISES!
There are over 3400 promises in the Bible and I’m thankful that I can find one, no matter what my situation might be, and stand on it till the storm passes!!

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